
Monday, February 7, 2011

Custom Package ( NuGet Package / NuPack ) for WebMatrix

I was wondering how I can create a custom package for WebMatrix.
it seems it's created by use of NuGet.exe.


1. Create an xml with the extension ".nuspec".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <title>Captcha Library</title>
  <authors>Hiroshi Nakano</authors>
   CaptchaLibrary is a library that provides captcha system in a asp.net web pages.
  <file src="app_code\*.cshtml" target="content\App_Code" />
  <file src="bin\*.dll" target="lib" />
  <file src="images\*.*" target="content\Images" />
  <file src="sample\*.*" target="content\Captcha\sample" />
  <file src="styles\*.css" target="content\Styles" />

2.Copy all the necessary files to the folders

Binary files(dll) and content files(cshtml, css, png,jpg) into the folders.

3. Execute the command
NuGet    pack    *******.nuspec
NuGet.exe  pack  *****.nuspec

After the command is executed successfully, you can see the file "<id><version>.nupkg" in the same folder.

4. Entry the package Info on Package Manager page.

Entry Name and Source( directory path of the ***.nupkg[in this case, "C:\pkgs"])

5. Select the Source and Click  the install button.

6. Click the Install Button .

Click  the install button.

7. If the message "The package ******* was sucessfully installed." appears, it's the end of the installation.

The Package was successfully installed.

This time, I put the sample because I wanted to check if this works.

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